Embracing our past to catch the future
The first seeds that would become Hendrix Genetics were planted by Thijs Hendrix (1884-1954) in 1923. He built Farm Saazehof in Ospel, The Netherlands.
Over 90 plus years, successive generations of the Hendrix family along with key partners and thousands of hardworking people built what is today known as Hendrix Genetics.
This organization has experienced tremendous growth and success through organic growth, acquisitions and mergers. Hendrix Genetics has a global presence with over 2.800 employees.Through all of this it has remained a family run and owned company.
Every organization that has become a part of Hendrix Genetics has contributed their best values and rich history. From genetic brands to distributors, as a parent company we ensure that our shared values and their history is preserved. We strongly believe that we must embrace our past to catch the future.